The Dogs

Someone once said that he wanted to be a Hudsons dog in his next life.  What a compliment!  We love our dogs and they give us so much.  We are constantly entertained one minute and simply loved the next.  Meet Stanley, Rosie, Cody, Mandy, Jake and Amora.

Our newest sweet rescue puppy

Jake. A truly loveable character.

Jake. A truly loveable character.

Stanley, cocker spaniel of our heart.

Stanley, cocker spaniel of our heart.

Rosie. Full of love.

Rosie. Full of love.

Cody. Our talkative boy with a zig zag tail.

Cody. Our talkative boy with a zig zag tail.

Mandy. Loveable, sweet and goofy.

Mandy. Loveable, sweet and goofy.