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Scenes from our walk

I use “our” because after walking at my usual early hour, I encountered so much post-spring break traffic—which is an issue when there aren’t sidewalks everywhere—I decided to go out later and Tom decided to go out with me.

It was clear and freezy-cold on Tuesday, but it made for a great view of Mount St. Helens, and if you look very closely, you can also see Mount Rainier peeking from behind. The advantage of the clouds is that they keep the heat in so at 50ish on Wednesday, it was downright balmy. Mount Hood without houses looked better in person, but here it is anyway, with it’s “hood” of clouds.


And there were some flowers along the way like bright yellow and orange tulips.

And roses, tiny roses.

And the first buds and flowers on a rather large and otherwise barren tree.