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Another yarn search

Crystal Palace Mikado Ribbon Shell Mix, color 7297

Found it!

The moral of the story is make sure your calculations are correct in the amount of yarn it will take to make something or finish the darn thing when there’s a chance you can find more yarn. I thought I’d done the calculations correctly, but obviously did not because I’ve come up one ball short (probably one-half) in trying to finish Grumperina’s original Tivoli (now Picovili) top. That was two years ago. On a fit of finishing UFOs (thanks, in part, to Dianne’s gentle hints), I pulled out the top and started knitting away.

When I found I would be short I figured I wouldn’t sweat the dyelot changes since it’s a multi yarn. HA! was I wrong. I ordered a ball, and where my yarn is pink, the new ball is tan/khaki. I sent emails to two vendors asking them to check their stock of Mikado Ribbon Shell Mix and both said it was more khaki than pink. Here’s the new ball next to my knitting.

And for good measure, here’s the color swatch from the straw.com website.

So-o-o…please check your stashes. Do you have a ball of Mikado Ribbon Shell Mix? Is yours on the pinky side? Are you willing to part with a ball? If you can answer yes to these questions, please send me an email or post a comment. (I’m not expecting a perfect match, but would just like pink instead of khaki.)