A challenge
In the Knitting in Japan list and on the Knitting Elegance KAL blog, Sylvia put out the challenge to figure out how the stitches in a chart from a Japanese “Let’s Knit” book.
So I decided to take the challenge and I think I’ve met it. I don’t have the book and can’t see the sweater, so I can’t say for sure. Here’s what I came up with.
Row 1: p3, k1tbl, p1
Row 2: k1, p1tbl, p3
Row 3: p2, (sl next st to cn and hold in back; k1; k1 from cn), p1
Row 4: k2, p1tbl, p1tbl, k2
Row 5: p2, make 5 sts in next st (in the same stitch, k1, k1tbl, k1, k1tbl, k1), k1tbl, p1
Row 6: k1, p1tbl, p5, k2
Row 7: p1, right cross next 6 st (sl next st on cn and hold in back; k5, p1 from cn), k1tbl, p1
Row 8: k1, p1tbl, k1 p5, k1
Row 9: p1, k1, dec 2 sts in next 4 st (k2tog; pass k2tog back to left needle; pass next st over k2tog; move k2tog back to right needle, but leave passed stitch on left needle; k next stitch together with passed st), k1tbl, p1
Row 10: k1, p1b1, k1, p3, k1
Row 11: p1, k3tog, p1, k2bl, p1
Row 12: k1, p1b1, k1, p1, k1
Row 13: (sl first st to cn and hold in back; k1; p1 from cn), p1, k1tbl, p1
Row 14: k1, p1tbl, p3
The discussion starts on Monday, so we’ll see if my interpretation comes close to others.
Well, I was mislead by the line in the fourth stitch of row 9 and didn’t quite get it right. The correct Row 9:
P1, centered decrease on next three stitches, P1, K1tbl, P1.
I tried.