Fiberlyone Blog

And Dogs

And while I was at it, I pulled two month’s pictures of Jake and Mandy off the card, so the cuteness continues on TheHudsons.   &nbsp: Site Feed

A lace obsession

I really have to stay off this computer and not go to bookstores. It started with Japanese knitting and now it’s Japanese lace crochet. We had some time to kill before going over to...

Too early for Jake

Dogs on Thursday Technically, it’s not Thursday, and I’m still not in a picture processing mood, but Jake provides such a wealth of photo ops, some of which I take advantage of. Here’s how...

Blogging and Ravelry

Dianne (DiannePDX) just got her invitation to Ravelry and commented in a message to me, Suzie (knitnlisten) and Jean (no clue about Ravelry) that she thought the reason I haven’t been posting much here...

Focused on Finishing

I have to admit some frustration with the Mom capecho and with the body finished, and the collar to go, so I decided to set the project aside for awhile. I needed something that...

Fabric, Yarn and a Dog

I feel I’ve been remiss in not posting Hawai’i pictures, but I just haven’t gotten through the almost 300 pictures. That’s a lot of pictures and I’m only about halfway through processing…and then I...

"I’m so in love"

That was the subject of the email we got from Jane, Petsitter Extraordinaire, when we were in Hawai’i. She was speaking of Jake, of course. And yesterday, since she was in the neighborhood, she...

Vogue Knitting Holiday 2007

It was waiting for me when we got home on Tuesday. I stopped subscribing to VK for a couple of years because there were a couple of years where nothing appealed and Knitter’s and...

It’s always good to get home

We spent a wonderful week on The Big Island with Dianne and John. We shared the island with thousands of Iron Man athletes, their families, and three cruise ships till Sunday, when it seemed...

Travel Day

Big Island! Here we come. Back in 10 days! Site Feed