Fiberlyone Blog

On the needles

The biggest part of packing is deciding what goes in the “activity bag.” Or more specifically—what knitting do I take? The Mom Capecho…because Christmas isn’t that far away—from a knitting standpoint. Gold Nugget Shawl…because...

And then there were two…and a half

The “swim”suit was so much easier to make than I expected, when Dianne commented that the style was just like a favorite swimsuit she used to have, I offered to make one for her....

Three shirts

In my dog fabric shopping I found little dogs and palm trees. What better fabric for a Hawai’i trip? The plan to include it with the Anniversary Shirts didn’t happen, but it’s done now....

A challenge

In the Knitting in Japan list and on the Knitting Elegance KAL blog, Sylvia put out the challenge to figure out how the stitches in a chart from a Japanese “Let’s Knit” book. So...

Dog Days of September

It’s been a month-plus now since Jake adopted us and all is well. He’s a happy fella, and now that Mandy has figured out that he isn’t just here for a visit, she’s even...

Some things finished

September shirtI cheated a little here, since it really was a shirt started for the anniversary project, but it’s a shirt and it’s September, so it’s Tom’s September shirt. I DoIt’s not that it...

Talented friends

In a fit of organization, I decided to clean out my e-mail InBox. Much of what I’d saved were emails with pictures. Some of the pictures have been posted to Fiberly Friends’ blogs or...

Turnabout is fairplay

I was perusing the stats for my blog and came across a visitor from an unfamiliar URL, so I checked it out. Turns out a reporter from The News and Observer in Raleigh-Durham, NC...

Doin’ stuff…except taking pictures

I just thought I’d pop in to say that I have been keeping busy…but I just haven’t taken any pictures to show for it. On needles (and not quite languishing as UFOs): Seville –...

What is a Rat Terrier?

At the dog park we were asked the difference between a Fox Terrier and a Rat Terrier. Good question. So I looked up both breeds on Wikipedia. While they didn’t compare the Rat Terrier...