On the needles
The biggest part of packing is deciding what goes in the “activity bag.” Or more specifically—what knitting do I take? The Mom Capecho…because Christmas isn’t that far away—from a knitting standpoint. Gold Nugget Shawl…because...
The biggest part of packing is deciding what goes in the “activity bag.” Or more specifically—what knitting do I take? The Mom Capecho…because Christmas isn’t that far away—from a knitting standpoint. Gold Nugget Shawl…because...
The “swim”suit was so much easier to make than I expected, when Dianne commented that the style was just like a favorite swimsuit she used to have, I offered to make one for her....
In my dog fabric shopping I found little dogs and palm trees. What better fabric for a Hawai’i trip? The plan to include it with the Anniversary Shirts didn’t happen, but it’s done now....
In the Knitting in Japan list and on the Knitting Elegance KAL blog, Sylvia put out the challenge to figure out how the stitches in a chart from a Japanese “Let’s Knit” book. So...
It’s been a month-plus now since Jake adopted us and all is well. He’s a happy fella, and now that Mandy has figured out that he isn’t just here for a visit, she’s even...
September shirtI cheated a little here, since it really was a shirt started for the anniversary project, but it’s a shirt and it’s September, so it’s Tom’s September shirt. I DoIt’s not that it...
In a fit of organization, I decided to clean out my e-mail InBox. Much of what I’d saved were emails with pictures. Some of the pictures have been posted to Fiberly Friends’ blogs or...
I was perusing the stats for my blog and came across a visitor from an unfamiliar URL, so I checked it out. Turns out a reporter from The News and Observer in Raleigh-Durham, NC...
I just thought I’d pop in to say that I have been keeping busy…but I just haven’t taken any pictures to show for it. On needles (and not quite languishing as UFOs): Seville –...
At the dog park we were asked the difference between a Fox Terrier and a Rat Terrier. Good question. So I looked up both breeds on Wikipedia. While they didn’t compare the Rat Terrier...