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The first definition in dictionary.com for promenade is “1. a stroll or walk, esp. in a public place, as for pleasure or display.” And that’s what we did.

It was a day that epitomizes why we are still thrilled with our move to Oregon, two years later (officially in two days, as it turns out.) The sun was shining; it was a balmy 60 degrees and just beautiful. We opted not to go to Mary S. Young again, since neither we nor the dogs fancied another puppy shower. Instead we headed across the Oregon City bridge to the McLoughlin Promenade for a little walk.

In the short walk we viewed a bit of Oregon history from the bridge to the falls.

The dogs love their walks.

The treat on the way home.

And resting when we get there.

There was a little more to see on the walk, so check out thehudsons.com