"Romantic Style" frustration
What is it with book and magazine editors? Are they so concerned with the page layout that the pattern completeness and accuracy isn’t import?
I’ve finished the body of the Dressing Gown from Romantic Style and am frustrated with the inadequate intructions regarding the collar and edging. “Start collar at left shoulder edge” is the only placement instruction. Then the pattern launches into the collar itself with no mention of how it is attached. The starting sentence would imply it’s knit on, but the instructions don’t bear that out.
Same goes for the edging. Is it sewn on or knit on? Since the edging instructions only provide the pattern, I’m guessing it’s sewn on, and I’m guessing the starting point is the back of the collar once it’s attached, but you wouldn’t know that from the instructions.
I’m not a novice knitter and I can usually figure things out, but with one lousy diagram with just the shape and dimensions, and two stylized photos, the hope of having this done for Mom’s day is fading fast.
I’ve emailed Martingale and Co. We’ll see how quickly and thoroughly they respond.